Established in 1978

GOHJA was founded in 1978, and is effectively run by an elected volunteer Board. Each show is managed by a local Equestrian Barn/Farm. GOHJA is a discretionary, membership-based, incorporated association; which has not been formed to, and shall not engage in any business undertaking for profit.
The designated show area of the association encompasses a five-county radius that includes the following counties: Orange, Seminole, Brevard, Lake, and Volusia. We foster the breeding, use and showing of hunters and jumpers, as well as endeavor to create a better understanding amongst breeders, owners, and exhibitors of such horses. This serves to encourage acceptance of uniform rules in regard to showing, and cooperation with the management of all shows, in planning better hunter and jumper divisions.
Sportsman’s Charter
Sportsman’s Charter
This sport is something done for the fun of doing it and that it ceases to be sport when it becomes a business only, something done for what there is in it;
That amateurism is something of the heart & spirit – not a matter of exact technical qualifications;
That good manners of sport are fundamentally important;
That the code must be strictly upheld;
That the whole structure of sport is not only preserved from the absurdity of undue importance, but is justified by a kind of romance which animates it, and by the positive virtues or courage, patience, good temper, and unselfishness which are demanded by the code;
That the exploitation of sport for profit alone kills the spirit and retains only the husk and semblance of the thing;
That the qualities of frankness, courage, and sincerity which mark the good sportsman in private life shall mark the discussions of his interests at a competition.
Reprinted from the USEF Rule Book.
All GOHJA members and exhibitors are subject to this code.

Reprinted from the USEF Rule Book.
All GOHJA members and exhibitors are subject to this code.